DHI Hair and Beard Transplant

Posted: August 31, 2022 By: Comment: 0

DHI Hair and Beard Transplant Some define it as the newest method in hair transplantation; some say there is no “recognized” technique called DHI; others claim that it is just a marketing gimmick; while a fraction explain the method as FUE with implanters.

The debate continues, with the two methods standing out as “different ways to harvest the grafts” combined with “conducting different implanting procedures.” However, our aim for this study is to remain objective and to have a brief and clear understanding of how the procedure actually works.

Unlike the FUE method, during the DHI implantation method, recipient site creation and graft implantation are performed simultaneously, i.e., extraction and implantation are combined as part of a one or two-step process, embedding the extracted hair follicles directly into the recipient areas without the need to create channel incisions via utilizing an implanter (Choi) pen. The implanter/Choi Pen features a very thin and sharp fine tip. This fine-tipped Choi needle is shaped like a hollow needle and allows the grafts to be inserted within the needle. This is why the DHI procedure is also referred to as the Choi method.

DHI Hair and Beard Transplant
DHI Hair and Beard Transplant

DHI Hair and Beard Transplant: A Complete Pain Relief Method in Hair Transplantation

Thanks to the use of sedation given under the direct supervision of our anesthesiologist, you will no longer feel any pain during the administration of local anesthesia prior to the hair transplant procedure. As a consequence, you will have a more comfortable and pain-free hair transplant experience. 

Even though hair transplants are generally considered painless procedures, this new method will help our patients who suffer from needle phobia feel at ease, allowing them to relax during the procedure. Owing to this, the level of pain that was currently at a minimum has now been completely eliminated.

What is sedation?


Sedation is the action of producing a state of calm or sleep under controlled sedative drug administration, monitoring the depth of sedation with the types of drugs used and the amount given tailored specifically to each patient’s needs.

Do I Have to Receive Sedation?

Sedation is efficient and safe, even in young children, and as we previously mentioned, it assures the patient a discomfort-free hair transplant procedure with zero pain. But then again, we continue to offer hair transplant procedures without sedation for patients who do not prefer it. sedation to be administered.

DHI Hair and Beard Transplant Procedure

During a hair transplant procedure operated with the Choi implanter, the specialized physician/surgeon or technicians transmit the harvested grafts into the implanter pen.

  1. The graft is inserted gently within the hollow needle, which is positioned at the end of the implanter pen, to be handed back to the specialized physician.
  2. Subsequently, the needle is inserted at an accurate angle of 40–45 degrees into the scalp by the surgeon as the incision site is made and then the graft is implanted by pressing down on the plunger.
  3. During a procedure, an amount varying from 2–6 Choi implanters and approximately 15–16 needles are concurrently used, with the device coming in a variety of needle sizes to fit the follicular unit grafts.
  4. The Choi method naturally has its advantages as well as disadvantages over the FUE technique.

The Benefits of DHI Hair and Beard Transplant 

Among its advantages indicated by some hair restoration experts are as follows: Reduced time of grafts remaining outside the body, thus ensuring strong and healthy placement of the grafts. Adequate hair follicle survival rates reduce bleeding during the creation of the recipient area.

Reduced trauma during graft handling, thus leading to less damage to the blood supply to the implanted area. Fast recovery during the postoperative phase means the patient can return to his or her normal routine quicker. The recipient site does not have to be shaved, as it is a more suitable procedure that enables this condition.

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